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Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure of the eyelid(s)

eye lid surgery colorado springs

 It is used to reduce bagginess of drooping eyelids. The procedure calls for the removal of excess skin, muscle, and underlying fatty tissue. While it is sometimes a cosmetic procedure, blepharoplasty is also an effective method for improving sight in older patients whose sagging upper eyelids obstructs their vision. At Vision Institute we take pride in giving our patients the best in eye care procedures such as eyelid surgery.

 Insurance will usually cover upper lid blepharoplasty if tests show the sagginess is obstructing the visual fields. Lower lid blepharoplasty can give improved cosmesis but is not covered by insurance.

In some cases excess skin and fat prolapse are not the only problems with the lid position. On occasion brow lifting or lifting the margin of the eyelid is also required in order to give good results.

Reasons For Eyelid Surgeries

As skin ages, it gradually loses its elasticity. A lack of elasticity, combined with the relentless pull from gravity, causes excessive skin to collect in the upper and lower eyelids. Eye rubbing from allergies or other forms of trauma can exacerbate this.  Excess skin on the lower eyelid causes wrinkles and bulges. On the upper eyelids, an extra fold of skin forms that can hang over the eyelashes and obstruct vision. Bulges on the upper and lower eyelids can also be caused by the fat that cushions the eyeball from the skull. The thin membrane (orbital septum) that holds the fat in place weakens with age, allowing the fat to protrude into the lids.

What To Expect From Eyelid Surgery

It is important to be realistic about the expectations you have for blepharoplasty. Eyelid surgery can enhance your appearance and help build your confidence. However, you should not expect the surgery to drastically change your look. Many people have eyes that are not perfectly aligned or that appear to be different sizes. Asymmetrical features occur during the early stages of development. Blepharoplasty will not alter your facial structure.  Upper lid blepharoplasty will improve the appearance of the lids considerably in most cases but will not give perfection. Visual field improvement is almost universal.

After surgery, there will be stitches in both upper lids that will remain for about a week. The lower lids do not require sutures if there is no skin removed and the incision is made on the inside of the lid. It is common for swelling and bruising to occur in the upper and lower lids. It takes several weeks for the marks of surgery to become difficult to detect.

Expect to stay home from work and limit your activities for several days after surgery to allow your eyelids to heal. Some patients experience dry eye after surgery, but the condition rarely lasts more than two weeks. If you have dry eye for more than two weeks, contact your doctor.
Blepharoplasty will not stop your eyes from aging. However, the results usually last a long time. Upper-eyelid surgery can last anywhere from five to ten years to an entire lifetime, while lower-eyelid surgery rarely needs to be done more than once.

Sometimes If you begin to notice that your eyelids are once again sagging, you may need a brow lift, not another blepharoplasty.
As with any surgical procedure, there is some degree of risk. Complications and bad results from blepharoplasty are rare, but sometimes they do occur.
Problems that can occur include bleeding, infection, dry eyes, abnormal discoloration of the eyelids, abnormal folding in or out of the eyelid skin, an inability to fully close the eyes, a pulled-down, lower-lid lash line, or possible loss of vision.

However rare they might be, it is important to be aware of potential complications before you decide to have the surgery. Most patients have a very satisfactory result following the blepharoplasty procedure. Call Vision Institute today to schedule an appointment.

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